Saugeen Shores Trails

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Port Elgin

Each trail in Saugeen Shores offers a unique experience, whether you are walking along the North Shore Trail from Port Elgin to Southampton, through the brush of the Woodland and Biener Trails or along the Rail Trail that follows the old CN line through Saugeen Shores.
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Seasonal Use: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Fee Required? No, free to use.
Other Features: Accessible, Beach, Four-Season, Hiking, Multi-use, Parking, Picnic Area, Washrooms, Way-Finding Signage
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Name: Saugeen Rail Trail
Address: River St in Port Elgin, a few blocks north of the town center and east of Hwy 21
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2313 Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C0

Saugeen Rail Trail Photos



Kincardine Trails picture

Kincardine Trails

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The Kincardine Trails offers over 30km of Four-Season trail, accessible on foot, bike, strollers, ski, snowshoe etc.

Saugeen Bluffs Conservation Area picture

Saugeen Bluffs Conservation Area

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This access point is located in the Saugeen Bluffs, a popular campground just outside of Paisley.

Stoney Island Conservation Area picture

Stoney Island Conservation Area

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These wide trails are sheltered by hardwoods, cedars and hemlocks. In the winter, they are regularly groomed and are suitable for both skating and classical (traditional) skiing.