Whether you are looking for that afternoon stroll or a challenging multi-day hike, you are sure to find an experience that will satisfy and inspire you. Bruce County offers countless ways to explore the interior or shorelines on foot.
Brant Tract picture

Brant Tract

pin icon Paisley

The Brant was our first property developed for multiuse activities and remains one of our most popular and diverse properties.

Carrick Tract picture

Carrick Tract

pin icon Mildmay

The Carrick Tract has some of the best hand built MTB single tract in the county.

Lindsay Tract picture

Lindsay Tract

pin icon Miller Lake

The Lindsay Tract is the largest of the County Forests consisting of more than 8000 acres, with 20 kilometers of multiuse trails.

Albermarle Tract picture

Albermarle Tract

pin icon Wiarton

Locally know as the Albermarle Tract, this property is well known for its abundance of rock and technical riding.

Saugeen Bluffs Conservation Area picture

Saugeen Bluffs Conservation Area

pin icon Paisley

This access point is located in the Saugeen Bluffs, a popular campground just outside of Paisley.

Kincardine Trails picture

Kincardine Trails

pin icon Kincardine

The Kincardine Trails offers over 30km of Four-Season trail, accessible on foot, bike, strollers, ski, snowshoe etc.

Bruce County Rail Trail picture

Bruce County Rail Trail

pin icon Bruce County

The Bruce County Rail Trail extends from Port Elgin to Bruce Power and from Port Elgin through the towns of Paisley, Walkerton and Mildmay to the Huron-Bruce line. This 80km trail consists of ballast stone and A gravel. The County of Bruce has resurfaced sections of the trail over the past few years and expect to have the entire trail upgraded with A gravel by 2025. The following sections have been completed so far: Concession 6-Port Elgin to Bruce Power and from Paisley to Walkerton. 2021 re-surfacing improvements will include Walkerton to Mildmay.

Inverhuron Provincial Park picture

Inverhuron Provincial Park

pin icon Kincardine

A heavily trafficked loop trail, that features a great forest setting and is good for all skill levels. The trail is mostly used for hiking, walking, and camping. Dogs are also able to use this trail.

Huron Kinloss Trails picture

Huron Kinloss Trails

pin icon Lucknow

The township of Huron Kinloss has 8 trail destinations ready to explore throughout the area.

Flowerpot Island – Bruce Peninsula National Park picture

Flowerpot Island – Bruce Peninsula National Park

pin icon Flowerpot Island

The trails lead you through woods, wildflowers and a sea cave to Grand flowerpots and the Flowerpot Island coastguard lighthouse.

Bruce Trail picture

Bruce Trail

pin icon Wiarton to Tobermory

Canada's oldest and longest marked footpath, from Niagara to Tobermory - the Bruce Trail connects you to the Niagara Escarpment.

Cyprus Lake – Bruce Peninsula National Park picture

Cyprus Lake – Bruce Peninsula National Park

pin icon Tobermory

The Grotto in Tobermory is one of Bruce County’s most popular attraction, a hot spot visited by hundreds of people every year.

Singing Sands – Bruce Peninsula National Park picture

Singing Sands – Bruce Peninsula National Park

pin icon Tobermory

Singing Sands is a part of Bruce Peninsula National Park and is located on the Lake Huron shoreline, There is also a short boardwalk and trail.

Spirit Rock Conservation Area Trails picture

Spirit Rock Conservation Area Trails

pin icon Wiarton

A hidden spiral staircase down a steep cliff, ruins of an 19th century mansion, a secluded beach. The perfect place to go hiking.

Cape Croker Park picture

Cape Croker Park

pin icon Wiarton

Situated on the shores of Sydney Bay, Cape Croker Park makes a perfect get-a-way for the whole family.

Bruce Alvar Nature Reserve picture

Bruce Alvar Nature Reserve

pin icon Northern Bruce Peninsula

This 67-hectare nature reserve has two main vegetation communities that gently grade into each other – rock barrens dominated by a ground cover of moss and herbaceous plants such as lakeside daisy and wood grass, and semi-open coniferous forests dominated by jack pine.

Petrel Point Nature Reserve picture

Petrel Point Nature Reserve

pin icon South Bruce Peninsula

Petrel Point has boardwalk from where you can view cedar, and orchids in late spring/early summer.

Stoney Island Conservation Area picture

Stoney Island Conservation Area

pin icon Tiverton

These wide trails are sheltered by hardwoods, cedars and hemlocks. In the winter, they are regularly groomed and are suitable for both skating and classical (traditional) skiing.

Sauble Falls Provincial Park picture

Sauble Falls Provincial Park

pin icon South Bruce Peninsula

This historic falls used to power a timber mill and generating station. Now flanked by immature forest, the falls are the end of the Rankin River canoe route - ideal for novice canoeists.

Kinloss Tract picture

Kinloss Tract

pin icon Lucknow

If you're visiting Lucknow stop by for a quick ride or walk.

Walkerton Rail Trail picture

Walkerton Rail Trail

pin icon Walkerton

Built on the old railway lines that ran in the late 1800s the Saugeen River Rail Trail is a year-round, multi-use trail that offers over 5 kilometres of beautiful scenic views alongside the Saugeen River.