Spirit Rock Conservation Area Trails

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A hidden spiral staircase down a steep cliff, ruins of an 19th century mansion, a secluded beach. The perfect place to go hiking.
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Seasonal Use: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Fee Required? Parking only.
Other Features: Four-Season, Parking, Washrooms, Way-Finding Signage, Winter Activities
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Name: Spirit Rock Conservation Area
Address: 92 Highway 6, Wiarton ON
Mailing Address: 237897 Inglis Falls Road, RR 4, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N6

Spirit Rock Conservation Area Photos



Singing Sands – Bruce Peninsula National Park picture

Singing Sands – Bruce Peninsula National Park

pin icon Tobermory


Singing Sands is a part of Bruce Peninsula National Park and is located on the Lake Huron shoreline, There is also a short boardwalk and trail.

Cape Croker Park picture

Cape Croker Park

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Situated on the shores of Sydney Bay, Cape Croker Park makes a perfect get-a-way for the whole family.

Colpoys Ski Trail picture

Colpoys Ski Trail

pin icon South Bruce Peninsula


The cross-country ski trails start just north of Colpoy’s Bay. They run through gently rolling, sheltered woods and open fields.