Petrel Point Nature Reserve

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South Bruce Peninsula

Petrel Point has boardwalk from where you can view cedar, and orchids in late spring/early summer.
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Seasonal Use: Spring, Summer, Fall
Fee Required? No, free to use.
Other Features: Accessible, Hiking, Parking, Way-Finding Signage, Three-Season
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Name: Petrel Point Nature Reserve
Address: Petrel Point Rd, South Bruce Peninsula, ON N0H 1X0
Mailing Address: 720 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON M5S 2R4

Petrel Point Nature Reserve Photos



Bruce Alvar Nature Reserve picture

Bruce Alvar Nature Reserve

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This 67-hectare nature reserve has two main vegetation communities that gently grade into each other – rock barrens dominated by a ground cover of moss and herbaceous plants such as lakeside daisy and wood grass, and semi-open coniferous forests dominated by jack pine.

Inverhuron Provincial Park picture

Inverhuron Provincial Park

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A heavily trafficked loop trail, that features a great forest setting and is good for all skill levels. The trail is mostly used for hiking, walking, and camping. Dogs are also able to use this trail.

Stoney Island Conservation Area picture

Stoney Island Conservation Area

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These wide trails are sheltered by hardwoods, cedars and hemlocks. In the winter, they are regularly groomed and are suitable for both skating and classical (traditional) skiing.